Events & Programmes


We regularly run a range of events designed to inspire, equip, motivate and propel you to your next level. Here is a list of our upcoming events

Retaining Top Talent

Thursday 14th September 2023; 10.00am to 11.30am BST

Free CPD virtual Event

High staff turnover is costly, disruptive, demoralising, affects productivity and efficiency and ultimately affects the bottom line.

In the words of Jim Collins, the author of the book Good to Great, “Those who build great companies understand that the ultimate throttle on growth for any great company is not markets, or technology, or competition, or products. It is one thing above all others…..the ability to get and keep enough of the right people.”

Your organisation’s greatest asset are your people and so to succeed you must master the art of getting and retaining top talent.

Join us for this engaging and informative CPD accredited webinar to learn how to position your business to capitalize on the knowledge, experience and relationships built over time in order to achieve long-term success. Learn More

Overcoming Procrastination and Imposter Syndrome

Thursday 16th November 2023; 11.00am to 12.30pm BST

Virtual Event; Tickets: £25.00

Procrastination and Imposter Syndrome are two of the most common self-sabotaging behaviours most people engage in.

Feeling like you are a fraud and that you don’t belong, having negative thoughts running through your head saying you can’t do this, or you don’t deserve it, are all signs of imposter syndrome and if left unchecked, will stop you realising your full potential.

Procrastination is the thief of time and the killer of dreams. Most people procrastinate every now and then, but if you find yourself in the habit of procrastinating, you are most likely sabotaging your own success.

Join us for this interactive and engaging 90-minute workshop to receive the tools and techniques to kick these bad habits so you can get things done and achieve the level of success you desire and deserve. Learn More

Breaking Up With Self-Sabotage

Thursday 27th July 2023; 1.00pm to 2.00pm BST

Free virtual Event

Your mind is a powerful place, and it can work very hard to keep you from growing and progressing in the ways that you want to…if you let it.

Join us at this event to gain new insights, fresh perspectives and tools and techniques that will help you re-programme your mind so it starts to serve rather than sabotage you and you can start to make real positive changes in your life!

It’s time to get out of your own way so you can start to be, do, and have what you are truly capable of. Learn More

Public Speaking Made Easy

Wednesday 21st June; 10.00am to 3.00pm BST

Early Bird: £75.00 (Ends midnight 12-05-23) Standard Tickets £95.00 (Inc Lunch & Refreshments)

Does the thought of speaking in public get you panicking?

Everyone will agree that being able to speak in a public setting is a great skill to have, but for so many people, this task is extremely daunting. Whether it is making a presentation at work, a speech at a best friend’s wedding or speaking to an audience at an event, this workshop is designed to help participants feel both comfortable and confident whenever they need to step up and speak in public. Gain the skills you need to succeed! Learn More

Connect and Relate Workshop

Thursday 22nd February 2023; 10.00am to 1.00pm BST
Early Bird: £35.00 (Ends 25-01-23) Standard Tickets £45.00

Want to enrich your life and improve your results?

Our lives are only as rich as our relationships and in a world where personal, professional and business success is increasingly dependent upon collaboration, it is not enough to know how to get along with like-minded people. We must also learn to get along with and work with people that are not like us. This fun, engaging, interactive workshop will equip you with the skills you need to build strong, healthy relationships that enrich your life. Learn More

Conquering Your Goals

Wednesday 14th December; 10.00am to 11.30am BST

Virtual Event: Tickets: 12.00

How badly do you want to accomplish your goals?

We all know the importance of setting goals but staying on track with your goals can be a challenge. Not only do you need to devote the time and resources to realising them, but you also need a cadence for checking in on your progress.

At this event not only will you be guided through the process of creating a roadmap that will enable you to set up successful milestones for measuring and monitoring your progress, but you will also learn how to stay motivated in the process. Learn More


The only guarantee that tomorrow will be better for us is if we are growing today. Our Personal and Leadership Development Programmes are designed to prepare you for your next level.

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