You Don’t Have To Be Google To Attract And Retain Good Staff
/Speak to any business owner and they will tell you that finding and retaining good people is one of their biggest headaches. You will very often hear SME businesses owners remark “I am not Google, I can’t compete with the likes of them for good people!” When they say this, usually what they mean is... Read More
6 Tips To Improve Your Public Speaking
Fear of public speaking is the number 1 fear for most people, putting aside the fear of dying. But with a little practice and some helpful tips, you can master this critical skill. In this blog, I share some best practices when it comes to preparing for a speaking engagement and delivering your presentation with... Read More
Why You Should Develop A Positive Life Stance
Attitude they say is everything and it is true. Your attitude will determine your altitude. It will determine your approach and your approach will determine your results. Napoleon Hill, the author of the bestseller “Think and Grow Rich” said every adversity, every failure, and every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or... Read More
You Have Unlimited Potential
Every single one of us, no matter the current circumstances and conditions of our lives, good or bad, fulfilling or frustrating, know there is more! More to be, do and have. This is innate in every human being, that desire to increase and to expand. The reason is that we all have unlimited potential. Now... Read More